Monthly Archives: October 2006

Wedding Bells ring…Are you listening?

So!  I have returned from my brother’s nuptials safely.  Let’s see…our story begins in the wee hours of Thursday morning when I awaken and take the dogs to Gallatin for their wonderful weekend at the Hairy Moose.  Then I jet back down to the house and await my ride to Nashville Bus Station.

 Yes, I do in fact, LOVE taking the bus.  Yes, I do in fact, LOVE Greyhound.  Yes, I could have driven my car, but I did, in fact, take the bus. 

It was uneventful…until…Chattanooga when I was asked for my number by a guy on the bus.  Swell.  I do have to say, with all humbleness and humility that I was, honestly, the best catch available…

So, Thursday evening Mom and I kick around Target for a little while to pass the time.  I bought some socks.  It was exciting.  Then we went to Eclipse Di Luna for Sara’s Bridesmaids’ dinner.  It was delicious and a good time.

On Friday, Andrew and I had lunch together which was nice.   We talked and goofed around.  Sniff, sniff.  His last meal with his sister as an unmarried man…

 Friday evening Kari arrived and we went downtown to the church for the rehearsal.  It was LONG, LONG, LONG.  But in the end it was okay.  The rehearsal dinner was tasty.  I got loads of compliments on my speech but I messed up the end and didn’t actually toast.  Oh, well.  It was a rehearsal right???

After the dinner Kari and I went with Andrew to a party.  It was fun.  Then Andrew and Kari bailed and I drove myself and Kieran (Andrew’s best man) to a different party.  It was fun.  Got to talk with some interesting guys.

Saturday was hectic!  Mom, Dad, Kari, and I went down to the hotel to get EVERYONE.  Then we ALL went to the aquarium.  It was fun but crowded.  Kari and I agreed we’d like to come back and see it some time when we had more time.  We were rushed and didn’t get to see 1/3 of the stuff probably. 

 The silliest thing was me terrified.  I mean, TERRIFIED.  During the 4d disneyesque movie.  The terror came from the dark and the stuff touching and squirting at me.  So although intellectually I knew I was in a children’s movie and shouldn’t be scared my body was telling me otherwise.  Ridiculous!

The wedding pictures seemed to take forever and so did the waiting ahead of time.  But suddenly we were up front watching Andrew and Sara get married worrying if our feet would turn numb before the ceremony was over.  It was a pretty traditional ceremony and they both seemed very happy. 

 Yawn.  Too tired to write more.  Plus I have to ask Kari for some details that I am sketchy on 🙂

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Almost October!

How much faster can this year possibly fly by? I’m sure it is only picking up momentum now.

Life is great here in Nashvegas! I am so busy I have to plan time at home so that I can get things done. Work is going well–got a raise this month which always help when the bills roll in plus I am finally back in the swing of things in terms of housevisits. My superiors will be pleased I am sure.

In the dating world life is interesting. A has called a few times but still haven’t gotten together. B hasn’t called and we haven’t gotten together–I think we’ll just be penpals for the duration. On through the alphabet to D who I stopped seeing this past month because I found out from the good friend of one of my friends when we were out one night that he’s got a married woman with two kids in love with him. I was totally okay with each of us seeing other people (obviously) as long as there was nothing serious. I think love is serious especially if you are helping someone cheat on their spouse. He is so pissed at me he can’t even speak to me really. Whatever. Again skipping through the alphabet, R and I have been out some, maybe even a lot. But I don’t think we’ll get together again. Things got strange really quickly and I just don’t need ANY drama. So, if you know any C’s, J’s, L’s who might be interested…I’m available 🙂

I’m heading to Alabama next weekend for BOW with my Mom and KMsoontobeW. Her Mom is going too as well as two of her cousins. It should be fun. I’m most excited about riflery. And of course being with my Mom and everyone else.

Had a great time at the farm although it rained the whole entire weekend. It was great to see the architect and I think DwhoismarryingKMsoontobeW and KMstbW had a good time too. It was nice just hanging with her on Friday. The sky was so awesome! Half was brilliant starlight and the other half was filled with incredible lightening for about 1-2 hours until the storm finally arrived sending lightening, thunder, and rain crashing down on us.

Well…I can’t think of anything else note worthy…brother’s wedding is in four weeks…will definitely have lots to say about that!

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