Monthly Archives: April 2007


Brrrr….by the weather outside one could not guess that five days ago it was almost 90F here and had been for the previous two to three weeks.  I’m worried that my delicate baby plants will all be frozen tonight.  I guess since it is still early, if they are, then I can replant. 

Last night at church we had our Maundy Thursday service.  I learned what Tenebrae means-“Shadow”.  It was an okay service although it seemed a little bit rushed. 

Work is going okay.  I really want something else.  K told me about a possible opening with Wilson County Schools so I will apply there.  Also, I got a response back from BCBA about my professors letter.  Didn’t change a thing.  The letter needs to say “5 hours in Ethics” blah, blah, blah.  So I emailed the professor to ask her to add that.  Hopefully she will!  It sucks to be dependent upon someone else so that you can move forward.  Grrrr. 

I got my order from Lush in on Wedneday so I have been taking many baths.  Well, okay just two since Wednesday.  I hopefully will hear back from my architect friend about the possibility of renovating my bathroom.  I love my new tub and would like to use it year round.  Once it warms up again I will run it full of water and use it in the backyard I think.  Lovely. 

It dawned on me today as I was driving by the dragon park that Easter is yet another holiday for children.  I wish I could borrow some.  I’d have an Easter egg hunt–a good one, not one for hardboiled eggs–and take them to Sunday School.  Oh, well.  I did get myself an Easter basket and will go tomorrow to get a flower.  Mom said today on the phone she feels like an unfound Easter egg.  Yeah.  I get that. 

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